Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ant farm anyone?

Ok, so I know that ant farms are pretty much a staple item in the childhoods of many...I personally never got into them being a pretty strong NON-FAN of bugs in general, but my brother liked them and I knew they were pretty popular.

Anyway, get to the point you're probably thinking - and so I shall. Would you like to know a really NOT fun way to begin your morning? A morning that is already starting even earlier than your typical mornings (which by the way, are still early) and that leads into a day full of work meetings with clients in the office, etc... Just add in the joyous situation of your 4.5 lb Yorkie having an up close and personal moment with an ant farm on his morning potty session that leaves him COVERED in the nasty little creatures. A couple more observations really set the stage here... 1) you are already dressed for work, but are soon to be covered in water, doggie debree, and of course your own fair share of ants and 2) the Yorkie in question has a general aversion to any type of bathing, combing, or messing with his face, head and feet in any manner. Fast forward to two adults wrestling with one yelping (really more like screaming I sware) pup battling furiously to rid him of the ants you fear might be eating his flesh even as you speak (type?). There was a semi-bath/dunking session in the sink, a prolonged and dramatic combing session oh and did I mention the other Yorkie that was totally freaked out by the commotion and doing his own fair share of barking, jumping and running around? And I don't even want to get into what the neighbors must be thinking after the sounds coming from our house...

Yep - a great start to any day folks. Happy Thursday to you - here's hoping your day is productive and ant-free.

PS - thank God for dog walkers who will continue the search, and if necessary, the battle against the ants a little later today. Watch for a future post on whether the dog or the ants ultimately win this war.

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