Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

Ok, I had hoped to post this on Sunday, but what can I say - time got away from me. This past Sunday was quite possibly the most picture perfect day I've seen in years - definitely the best Chicago day I've experienced weather-wise. We have learned by now that a great day in the Windy City is not to be wasted...so we hopped out of bed early and headed for the park. This time though, we decided to venture a little further than we typically do and we went to Montrose Harbor. There we discovered a HUGE dog beach. Now, as most of you know, I'm pretty skeptical on the whole dog park scene here in Chicago because they don't separate the big guys from the little ones, and my munchkins can easily be swallowed by a German Shephard or Doberman who mistakes them for a squirrel. :)

In any case, we tredged on and decided to give it a try. Jack went INTO THE WATER. This is huge. Bigger than huge really. BJ waded out just a bit into the lake to see what they'd do. Cooper had a blast running away from the tide, but Jack followed Beeg right in! We didn't know what to do we were so excited. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera and thus don't have a pic to share, but we'll bring it along next time and show you beach life Yorkie style. Now if only we hadn't had that teeth bearing scuffle with the large dog (a lab mix I think)who really wanted to join in the fun of Jack chasing his very favorite ball...it is orange and it squeaks and to Jack, the sun and moon revolve around it. You just don't mess with that thing. Period. :)

We've decided we need to borrow Lucy from BJ's Mom for a weekend so I can experience the dog beach without holding my breath and fighting anxiety attacks the entire time.

Also did a long bike ride - minus the dogs (they hate the bike crate thing-y, I tried)- which I loved. Got this fabulous gel cover for my seat which gives me a little extra cushion. Next up - a helmet - I know Dad, my priorities are clearly out of whack here. I've decided I might get serious about this biking thing...until of course the next hobby comes along and snags my attention...can you do a triathalon without the running or swimming? Just asking!

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