Monday, January 19, 2009

An Inaugaversary

Like the rest of the free world, I am excited for tomorrow. Perhaps unlike the rest of the free world though, my excitement isn't solely focused on the historical inauguration taking over our nation's attention.

Don't get me wrong: I will be watching with anticipation and hope and pride and I will whisper a prayer and send a wish into the universe that the change and hope of the campaign will continue into the presidency. And that people will realize promises from the trail cannot become reality overnight. I wish Mr. Obama the best. And I wish the same for his family. Tomorrow is a historical moment in time and I'm thrilled and blessed and awed to bear witness.

But also, I will be remembering a sunny Saturday exactly 2 years ago tomorrow. The day that exemplified another kind of change and another kind of hope. The sweetest, most filling, most awesome kind. I walked down a long aisle on that Saturday...walked straight up to Hubby and promised my heart and my life to him for always. In front of literally everyone that we love. 2 years ago tomorrow, we started our family and I whispered a wish then too. It comes true every single day.

Happy Anniversary Hubby! There is no one in the world I'd rather "be the change" with. xoxo


  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I was just thinking about your beautiful wedding the other day. It was so gorgeous in every way. Best wishes for many more years of love and happiness!

  2. Thanks Rob! It was an amazing hard to believe it was 2 years ago!
