Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Love Thursday: Love is Normal & Everyday

sadly, work has been so all consuming of late that I truly just don't have much to share. as i type this, i'm telling myself that i must work on that. and fast.

in the interim though, i'm pausing for a brief moment on this thursday to appreciate our return to the normal routine of our lives. for me, holidays are magic, but i also relish in the chance to clear away all the clutter from year's end and begin anew. i like the goal setting, the planning, the introspection. it's all good.

and even if i've begun this new year in a fog of work, work, work, I can still lift the fog briefly enough to rejoice in the everyday normal that makes me feel blessed, lucky, loved...

happy love thursday everyone. here's hoping you're loving a new year too.


  1. Hi April,

    I hope you have a peaceful , restful weekend. I love you,

  2. Cheers to a new year! Hope you enjoy the weekend with your fur babies.I can't wait to talk to you soon.

  3. @Mom - thanks! I tried, but will you settle for just not diving out my snow covered, frozen windows? :) I kid - love you!

    @robin - you too - let's do phone date ASAP. miss you much xoxo
