Monday, March 30, 2009

Fleeting (randomness)

On the train on my evening commute home, I was very preoccupied with 3 separate thoughts: 1) that even though I woke up with the best of intentions this morning, my post-work trip to the gym wasn't happening, followed shortly by 2)pleasant surprise to hear from an old friend who's been completely out of touch for far too long, and finally, 3) struck by an amazing sunset that was streaking the sky with awesome shades of orange and purple as the city whizzed by through the windows.

Fleeting feelings of disappointment, surprise and then delight. All in one train ride. I hurried my walk from the train station hoping to get to my camera so I could capture the sunset, but it had faded by the time I made it home. Fleeting indeed...

Happy that yesterday's snowstorm was followed by that gorgeous sunset today. Hopeful that spring (and then summer) truly are just around the corner. And also? Excited...because a happenstance connection might help me kick this blog thing up a notch, once and for all.

I've said this before here, but sometimes it is simply true...just another (manic) Monday.

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