Monday, March 23, 2009

Taking Each Other Along

I'm remembering that line from the film Stepmom when Susan Serandon tells her impossibly sweet daughter in a gut-wrenching scene that "that is how people live on forever...because other people take them along on their life's journeys." I love that. I think of the people I carry with me and I hope that someday when I'm no longer here, that others will take me along on their own adventures.

I stumbled on this photo while catching up with my neglected feeds and it truly gave me pause. My favorite part? That some fine soul took the time to scrawl this note on paper and because of that simple action, many others stopped and thought about a man they'd never known...or perhaps, in some remote and fleeting way, they did know him after all.

Happy Monday and happy spring - who will you bring along for your journey, who do you tell your stories to?

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