Thursday, May 14, 2009

All You'll Ever Need to Know About Me

I am nothing if not a contradiction in terms. I despise email forwards. Truly, I do. And because karma is one nasty broad, I have many family members who adore email forwards. Internet, do you know what else they adore? Sending those loathsome forwards to me. You know the ones I mean: don't talk on your cell phone at the gas station or your car will blow up, the 90 million ways you can and will be kidnapped when returning to your car from a shopping mall, a lengthy prayer with some dire threat if you don't send the email to at least 20 people in 20 minutes, etc. I've learned to cope: I immediately delete, curse once under my breath (ok, maybe twice) and go on about my day.

But because I am complicated, there are exceptions to this rule. Namely, those crazy forwards where you fill in a bunch of useless information about your life (the latest one has been 16 things). You know the ones - you delete the previous person's answers, fill in your own and then terrorize your friends and family by forwarding it to them. It makes no sense, but I can't get enough of those - I will seriously pause in the middle of a very busy workday to complete one. I tell myself it is a nice break for my mind.

Knowing this, it is absolutely no surprise that when I stumbled upon yet another quiz on a friend's blog, I could not resist clicking on it. I might need medication.

This quiz in particular has me flummoxed (funny word, right?). This is supposed to give me insight into my personality, but is it a bad sign that a) you don't really understand your "type," and b) it seems to read like the definition of an oxymoron?

You decide. And from now on, please refer to me by my rightful title. The Tree Hugging Extroverted Self-Improver. The end.

Oh, and one more thing...happy Love Thursday, each and every one of you.

I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm a
Tree Hugging Extroverted Self-Improver

1 comment:

  1. I second that... and I also feel like I'm guilty of sending most of those useless forwards to you!
