Thursday, May 7, 2009

Roots are Good. So Are Traditions.

When my brother and I were little, my parents took us to Keeneland where we enjoyed the eye candy and even got to choose horse names that my parents would place $2 bets on for us. I remember those trips so fondly...but for me, it was always about the horses. Not the races, not the betting, but the beautiful, majestic, amazing horses.

I'd rush out to the winner's circle after every race to catch a glimpse of the beauties up close and personal. I'd reach out as far as possible in hopes of touching their silky coats. I was content just to gaze at them and loved nothing more than the sight of them in full stride - truly in their glory.

Even now, all these years later, I feel the same. It is all about the horses. These days, I have a lot of dissonance about the ethics behind the industry, the exploitation, use of drugs in the sport, etc. But in spite of all that grown up stuff, when I go back to Keeneland or Churchill Downs, I am that kid again - just thrilled to be in the presence of some of the world's most stunning animals.

And happy to be with my family during a time honored tradition of both my heritage and my own immediate family. Even though I'm somewhat distant from my Southern roots these days, it always feels right to step back into them from time to time. To remember where I came from. And be grateful for my history and the continued traditions of family. 

Happy Love Thursday. I hope your families and your traditions are steadfast and strong.

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