Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Working (It) Out

Why is it that I cannot seem to break out of my fitness funk? I know I am not alone in the pursuit of a thinner, healthier outlook, but I just can't seem to nail a plan and take charge of this particular part of my destiny.

There are excuses aplenty! Oh boy, am I the queen of excuses! My schedule is nuts, work has taken over my life, I'm tired, my head hurts, my gym bag is too heavy, aliens abducted my running shoes, I really just want to eat the entire bag of pirate's booty with no regard for what it will do to my own booty. Those excuses aside, the truth is that, deep down, I just don't want to sink any further into the rut of being so displeased with the image that stares back at me from every mirror I encounter.

I am wiped when I come home from work, but also dead on my feet in the mornings. I know all about the vicious cycle - working out will help to restore my energy, but in order to reap that benefit, I need to move my a#!. I think I am going to attempt to a morning commitment to change things up a little. Feel better about facing my days, start the day in the office a little later (which trust me, is going to require alot of adjustment - I'm nothing if not a creature of habit), really try to fight my way to a better me.

And eventually (hopefully soonish)? I'm going to be able to face that mirror without wondering who the hell that girl is staring back at me. 

Keep your fingers crossed, will you? And do me a favor...if you hear anything that remotely resembles an excuse from me, tell me exactly where I can shove it. M'kay? 

1 comment:

  1. Love this and I hear you loud and clear -- I need to get back into it as well. If you start doing the morning thing, let me know...I think it will be easier in the summer since it's not so bad outside...possibly a morning jog?!
