Friday, November 21, 2008

Thankful Friday (Giving Thanks Day 2)

I'm back for Day 2 of my personal Giving Thanks series...are we having fun yet?!

A decision has been made that sometimes, I just can't limit this to one thing per post, so for those times I'm feeling especially thankful (like every day), I'm going to list a few. Here we go:
It just doesn't get any better than these two. Commonly known as my "fur babies," they make every day brighter. You can't beat them for snuggling, and I know with utmost certainty that no one will ever love me quite like they do. I also know that the feeling is entirely mutual.

FRIDAYS (can I get an AMEN?)

After all, we don't all go around saying TGIF for nothing! I'm especially thankful for this Friday though. I've got big plans. They involve holiday music, wine and a huge assortment of decor items. That's all I'm sayin. AND the fun will continue into tomorrow along with some packing and general errand running. Then we're off to M'town for delicious time with the family and all things Thankful.

My news reader. This has changed my life. I seek information. Crave it. Need it. I like to be informed. And once upon I time, I was visiting a huge list of sources daily to get said info. Enter RSS feeds - like magic, my info comes to me. And my network grows daily. I love that.

People like this and this. I'm inspired and humbled and a little awestruck.
Happy Friday all (TGIF) - hope your weekend holds all the entries on your own list.

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