Thursday, November 6, 2008

Love WILL Prevail

I've been struggling to understand the passing of Prop 8 in California on Tuesday...that gorgeous state that is my adopted home. That stole my heart and gave me years of joy and changed my life forever by introducing me to Hubby. That inspired me over and over by its unrelenting acceptance of everyone. Every race. Every creed. Every matter, we're all welcome in CA. I loved that...and I love it still.

I believe that deep down, the world does have more love than hate and that, when pressed, people will defer to the good in their hearts over the bad. I can't understand what led this particular electorate to make this choice that left love in the cold - at least for a moment.

But then, no legislation can really keep love from shining through the cracks. I've seen it in the images of peaceful protest, the emails and calls and Facebook statuses donated to continue the fight, reopen petitions, march on. To my immediate friends affected by this defeat, and to the millions who felt the sting around the world, I am sorry. will prevail. There is no other way. No other option. We stand with you and we hold your hand...and we march on. On the same day of this shocking vote, we made history in our country and we chose hope over fear. We can do it again...and I have to believe that we will.

Happy Love Thursday all. May you feel the love that God wants us ALL to know. And may you spread it as far and as wide as you can.
*photo by Heidi Herrera (via Flickr) - I didn't have an image of my own to share this week!

1 comment:

  1. So many of us are saddened by this news. I have to admit I was SHOCKED when I saw it. We have to believe that it will be overturned.

    Love the image you posted, full of peace.
